Now on Display at The Seattle Aquarium

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Experience a new photo exhibit from the book by Amy Gulick

In Alaska, wild salmon are a source of food, livelihood, and culture, connecting generations and communities. Fifteen large-format photographs by award-winning photographer Amy Gulick from her new book, The Salmon Way: An Alaska State of Mind, illustrate a beautiful and enduring portrayal of people connected to the fish that define their lives.

Created for the International Year of the Salmon celebrations taking place in 2019 through 2022, The Salmon Way exhibit explores the web of human relationships that revolve around wild salmon in Alaska. With stunning photographs and compelling stories by photographer and author Amy Gulick, the exhibit illustrates the rich ways of life made possible by salmon.

The Salmon Way was produced by photographer Amy Gulick and Braided River, a nonprofit publisher in Seattle, Washington. A companion book of the same title accompanies the exhibit.



About Amy GUlick

Writer and photographer Amy Gulick has received numerous honors including a Lowell Thomas Award from the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation, the Daniel Housberg Wilderness Image Award from the Alaska Conservation Foundation, and the Voice of the Wild Award from the Alaska Wilderness League. She is the recipient of both the Mission Award and the Philip Hyde Grant Award from the North American Nature Photography Association. Her first book, Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska’s Tongass Rain Forest, is both a Nautilus and Independent Publisher Book Award Winner. She lives on an island in Puget Sound. Visit her website.





“Amy Gulick’s The Salmon Way: An Alaska State of Mind truly captures the unique relationship that Alaskans from all walks of life have with wild salmon - and the opportunity we have right now to protect this irreplaceable relationship. Braided River has been instrumental in helping SalmonState bring The Salmon Way to life through the creation of a traveling exhibit featuring Amy’s intimate salmon stories and photos. This exhibit has allowed us to humanize some of today’s biggest salmon conservation issues and foster community and collaboration amongst diverse stakeholders and decision-makers."

Elizabeth Herendeen, SalmonState Marketplace Manager


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